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Explore more Travel InsuranceWe can't find Travel Insurance that best match what you're looking for. Try adjusting the filters to refine your search or explore more options.
Explore more Travel InsuranceDisclaimer: At MoneySmart.hk, we strive to keep our information accurate and up to date. This information may be different than what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific product’s site. For any discrepancy in product information, please refer to the financial institution’s website for the most updated version. All financial products and services are presented without warranty. Additionally, this site may be compensated through third party advertisers. However, the results of our comparison tools which are not marked as sponsored are always based on objective analysis first.
Top travel insurance plans | Premium as low as* | Coverage |
Allianz Travel - Silver Plan | $99.64 |
AXA SmartTraveller Plus Premier Plan | $135.6 |
Dah Sing Insurance JourneySure Travel Insurance - Gold | $123.75 |
Generali Bravo Travel Protector - Classic Plan | $188.25 |
*based on a 5-day trip to Japan. All coverages are subject to policy terms and conditions |
How to compare and find the best Travel Insurance? When choosing travel insurance plans for your holiday, the cheapest policy available is not always the best choice. Buying travel insurance based on your needs is essential, but here are several factors to consider depending on your priorities:
If you can see yourself travelling multiple times, at least 3 to 4 trips in the coming year, you may consider annual travel insurance instead of single trip insurance.
Besides saving some cash, you can also save time since there is no need to shop for a new policy every time before you go.
Other than basic cover like trip cancellation, baggage loss etc., if you are doing any special activities or sports, like sky-diving or bungee-jumping, you may need extra cover to get full protection on the medical expenses or personal accident.
If you are going on a cruise, you may also need to upgrade your policy so to get missed departure, cruise itinerary change or more cruise insurance cover.
Most travel insurance cover has its own limits and requirements, take travel delay as an example, you can only get compensation if the delay meets the required numbers of hours in the travel insurance policy.
Some of the coverage items like rental vehicle protection usually require excess which is the amount you will need to pay before making a claim.
If you unexpectedly suffer an injury or sickness on your trip and need to visit the doctor or hospital abroad, travel insurance will cover treatment expenses incurred.
Look for a policy that is able to compensate you for any flight delay, cancellation, or disruption. This will help to tide you over the inconvenience caused before you get on your next flight.
Losing your luggage can be a huge nightmare. Most policies should cover you for lost, delayed or damaged baggage, but if you are bringing expensive items along, make sure you get add-on insurance for those items too.
This travel insurance coverage starts even before you embark on your trip, and provides reimbursement should you encounter an accident.
If an insured person is involved in legal liability of causing a loss or damage to the third parties, personal liability coverage in travel insurance will be able to help with the compensation and expenses.
Going to climb a mountain? Decided to give skydiving a try? Make sure your travel insurance covers you for the activity you are doing. Some policies only cover climbing up to a certain height so be sure to check the details of sports coverage first.
Like every other insurance, travel insurance has its exclusions and special conditions which the insurance company see as a higher risk, therefore the coverage is not eligible under those conditions. Here are several common categories of exclusions in a travel insurance policy:
The process for specific types of claims may differ between Insurers. However, policies offered by well-known insurers such as AXA, MSIG, FWD or AIG generally have similar Travel Insurance Claims procedures. Here are some things that you should take note of when making an insurance claim.
Most insurers will require you to make the claim within 30 days of the occurrence. Given that it will take some time to process your claim, you would want to submit your claim form as soon as possible.
Whatever you are choosing to make a claim for, you have to be able to prove its authenticity. This means showing proof of the following examples:
Apart from your own documents, it’s extremely important to get written confirmation from external parties such as the airline you were flying on or the hotel you stayed at as proof of travel disruption, for instance. This will help to expedite the claims process.
If you have encountered medical conditions overseas, when it’s not an emergency situation, make sure to call the insurance company and get them to accept the claim first, so then you will less likely get a rejected claim.
When your luggage or belongings are lost or stolen, you are required to contact local police within 24 hours after the theft takes place and get a written police report. Pay attention that unattended belongings may not be covered as it is considered as personal responsibility.
Here are some Travel Insurance tips that can help you select a great policy and give you peace of mind when travelling out of Hong Kong.
Check if you can make claims on flight delays that are caused by natural disasters, such as typhoons. You will not be covered if you did not purchase your plan before the typhoon signal is issued -- so buy coverage as soon as your trip is finalized.
A majority of travel insurance plans do not provide coverage on accidental loss of mobile devices. However, Hang Seng travel insurance and AXA travel insurance plans typically do!
Which travel insurance suits me the most?
There is no such thing as the best insurance policy but there is a policy that suits you the most. Get it now!
Your travel insurance policy may come with an excess amount, which is the specified amount deducted from any claims that are paid out.
If a situation arises during your journey, you are required to contact the relevant authority/ party- the police, airline, travel agency right away to report your situation. Insurers require evidence to support your claim. So please remember to keep the true copy of all the supporting evidence.
Many travel plans exclude phones from their coverage. So it is important to read the coverage before getting travel insurance.
You can simply buy travel insurance via ATM machines or banks, or buy directly from the insurance company or brokers.
On MoneySmart, you can compare different travel insurance plans at one glance, from the types and amount of coverage to premiums. You can also easily choose the type of travel insurance that offers the protection you need for your trip. MoneySmart occasionally works with insurance companies to offer users exclusive discounts. Don't miss out!
One may be tempted to go for the cheapest plan without considering the cover, which is not ideal. It is important to understand the potential risks for your upcoming trip such as medical treatment, flight delay, extreme sports coverage, etc. Once you have got a clear picture of what is needed, the travel insurance comparison site will usually do the rest by giving you a glance at all available insurance plans based on your requirements. Before you make your final decision, you can also consider the reputation of the travel insurance provider such as their customer service or the claim experience.
When you buy travel insurance you can choose from two types of policies - Single Trip or Annual Trip coverage.