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Generali Domestic Helper Insurance - Key Features

Comprehensive employees’ compensation

Under the Employee’s Compensation Ordinance employees are required by law to be liable for the bodily injury or death caused to the domestic helper arising out of and in the course of employment. Generali Domestic Helper Insurance provides comprehensive employees’ compensation to meet the legal requirements.

No excess or deductible

Generali Domestic Helper Insurance does not require a deductible or excess. In this way, the insured can get all the compensation without any deductions or having to pay the deductible first.

Cover helper on rest days

Generali Domestic Helper Insurance covers helpers even on rest days for death or permanent disability due to accidents on rest days for up to HK$100,000.

Cover expenses for repatriation and replacement of helpers

Generali Domestic Helper Insurance covers the repatriation and replacement expenses involved when your domestic helpers is unable to continue employment due to death, injury or medical inability and replacement.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does Generali Domestic Helper Insurance have a waiting period?

Yes, Generali Domestic Helper Insurance has a 15-day waiting period from the inception date.

Does the age limit apply to Generali Domestic Helper Insurance?

Yes, insurers of Generali Domestic Helper Insurance must fall within 18 to 60 years old.

Does Generali Domestic Helper Insurance cover accidental dental expenses?

Yes, Generali Domestic Helper Insurance covers up to HK$2,500 dental expenses.

Does Generali Domestic Helper Insurance cover outpatient expenses?

Yes, Generali Domestic Helper Insurance covers up to HK$5,000 Optional Outpatient expenses.