From now until 28 Feb 2025, new users who successfully open account via MoneySmart with promo code「MS24」within 7 days, fulfilling specific requirements and submit the reward claim can get the rewards below. (Either 1)
Reward 1️⃣: Successfully open account and first deposit HK$80,000 or above and retain for 60 days to get the exclusive rewards:
Reward 2️⃣: Successfully open account and first deposit ≥ HK$10,000 or above and retain for 60 days to get the exclusive rewards:
Account opening tutorial: Download and start using Futubull app > Click "ME" and enter "Promotion" Click "Redemptions"> Enter the MoneySmart redemptions code - "MS24", and deposit funds within 7 days
The first fund must be within the same bank transfer.
From now to 28 February 2025, new users who successfully open accounts via MoneySmart, passed account verification and deposit designated account and no withdrawal for 60 days
Step to open account by using Promo Code
・The code can be used once only
・The reward is applicable only to the first portfolio new users invested with
New customers must submit MoneySmart rewards redemption form before 31 March 2025 23:59
Before the application through the MoneySmart, please first
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