⚡️Limited Time Offer【Use Promo MSTEASY01 to earn as high as HKD3,398 Offer】
From now until 15 September 2024, successfully open a Mox Account with the code “MSTEASY01” and apply for Mox Credit, with accumulating spending of HKD3,500 within 30 calendar days after approval to get B&W Pi7 S2 In-ear True Wireless earbuds (value : HKD3,380) / BERMAS 30inch Spaceship Suitcase 2nd Version (value : HKD3,398) / HKD1,300 Apple Store Gift Card / HKD1,300 PARKnSHOP supermarket vouchers / HKD1,300 HKTVmall e-vouchers!
Enjoy the September Flash Deposit Offer - HK$1,000 welcome reward by depositing HKD250,000 or more within the first 7 days of account opening and maintaining it for 60 days.